I have a crazy, zealous, passionate, neurotic friend named Adam. Nothing that comes out of Adam’s mouth is ever said in monotone or in a soft manor. When Adam speaks he speaks with the passion that you would here come from a main character of an epic movie like how they talk in Braveheart or something. Even if he’s just ordering a milkshake, people will stand up and applaud his choice, I think I’ve even seen grown men cry when he discusses his favorite comic books with them. Anyway, with all that being said, it’s always a treat when Adam speaks to the youth in our church (even if he does take way to long and often brings an orchestra to create epic music build up as he talks).
One week in particular, Adam brought an old white board on stage with him and drew a dot. Then he drew a circle over the dot and a circle over that circle and so on and so forth. After about 6 dots he drew a line and proceeded to show kids the importance of their lives.
You see, Adam got it and was preaching it. By ‘it’ I mean the fact that our lives truly have miniscule effects on the history of the world. We are a life within a small group of friends, within a community, within a city, within a state, within a country, within a world, within a period of time. Even if we did something that impacted our community and went on to impact our city and so on all the way to our world it would have to stand the test of time if it were to truly make a difference. And with how fast paced our society is now, the test of time often fails a lot of ‘meaningful’ things.
Think about when you first got a myspace account. You were either excited to start networking via the internet or you were disappointed that you finally caved in. At one point or another, everyone thought this was the way of the future. I remember people never logging off and creating serious addiction problems in the process. Now it’s not even used anymore( I don’t think I’ve logged in for over two months).
I grew up in a German community in Wisconsin. I was a child when the Berlin wall was torn down but it was a huge deal! I remember seeing stern emotionless people laugh and dance! If you know any German families, you know they DO NOT express emotions too well. But I remember experiencing an immense amount of joy during that time. EVERYONE celebrated and was very happy. 20 years later, a lot of the world has forgotten about this momentous occasion. Those who do, remember the mobs of people that gathered around the wall and shook it down to be free. But not a lot of people could tell you it started with Caroline Schneider who had started out as one peaceful protester who led more then a million people to stand their ground until they got their freedom! Very little is known about this woman except for the fact that she started one of the greatest revolutions of our time (I love wikipedia). Yet, she’s a dot within a dot within a dot. 20 years later No one remembers her name and the significance of the Berlin wall coming down doesn’t seem to hold peoples attention nearly as much as it did at that time....
Come back tomorrow and read the rest:)