Friday, February 4, 2011


I decided that the coffeebean community needs to lighten up a little bit. So friday is now "Friday Fun Day!!!!!!!!" so let me tell you an interesting story......

So everyone tells me how CRAZY it is to drink 5 energy drinks in one night....I didn't believe them so I decided to give it a shot and boy was I in for a shock (literally). It all started when I was relieving myself in Mrs. Jonsons garden and I thought " this just isn't cutting it for a tuesday night. IT'S TUESDAY!!! IT's TIME TO PARTY!!!! How can I let a tuesday night go by with out a party" That's when it struck me that I don't know a mrs. Jonson and I haven't been able to relieve myself in three weeks. So I went to the super market where they were having a sale on tube socks. I skipped right past the frenzied shoppers as they fought over these quality socks at a reasonable price and I went staight for the oranges but they were all sold out so I bought some tube socks instead. As I left the store I thought how great Tuesdays always were and now as I got closer to the age of 48, they just weren't the same. Anyhoo, back to the energy drinks... So as I was in the parking lot this shifty eyed man that stood about 6'8" and weighed anywhere between 100 and 120lbs. came up to me and wispered sweet nothings into my ear. After we giggled together for about 25 minutes, he asked if I wanted to by some weed from him, I polite declined by punching him in the Knee caps and asked if he had anything that would be more exciting for a tuesday night? He said one word.."Rockstar" I said five words "I will take five please" he said six words back to me " That will be ten doll hairs" So I paid the fatty and got the heck out of there. I guzzled down all five of the energy drinks as I sparatically ran throughout the parking lot of the supermarket. I dodged around cars. weaved in and out of the shopping carts scattered around and ended with tackling an old lady before she got in her car. I got really hurt by doing so but at least we both had a good laugh about it. About an hour into finishing the last of the energy drinks, I noticed that my hair had grown past my shoulders but large chunks had fallen out, I started speaking in a langauge that nobody could understand, and I was uncontrolably crying and singing at the same time. some lady tried to help me but as I went in for a hug, I accidently twisted her head right off of her body. I decided it would be best if I just ended the night and my life by going to the zoo and wrestling a giraffe. Of coarse the giraffe won and beat the living crap out of me ( literally ) but when I got up, My hair was at a normal length, I was speaking in Spanish again, and I wasn't singing anymore ( although I was still crying a lot). I realized that the only way to come off of such a high as that was, is to kill yourself and then you will come back as a normal person!!! This is a picture of me from that night....


  1. I remember this story from your myspace. I loved it then and I still LOVE IT now. hahahaha

  2. I like the part where you giggled with your dealer for 25 minutes
