Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Jarret Stevens wrote a book called ‘the diety formerly known as God’ where he discusses the numerous ways we view God. Whether good or bad, we all have these ideas of who God is. ‘God the Father’ or  ‘God the kind old man’ some of these images bring about negative feelings of who God is and what he’s all about. I don’t have the time or the venue to discuss the many characteristics of God, but there is one true thing I know about God’s character. God loves stories. He is the author of the best selling book of all time! The bible isn’t the only place where we here stories of God, but it’s a great start. I feel like the bible is the preface to our personal stories. Whether we accept that fact or not, it’s where we start out. To understand my story, I have to start at the beginning and my story doesn’t start in the 80’s (yes I know I’m old) it starts in Genesis When God created mankind and walked in the Garden with adam and eve and there was the purest form of relationship between them. God is Love and God loved Adam and Eve and to complete what Love truly means, Mankind not only accepted God’s love but they put it into action by loving others. This great story now begins. God loves mankind and mankind now has an outlet to not only accept God’s love but express it. SPOILER ALERT. Adam and Eve begin living an inward life where they look to better themselves and leave God on the back burner. Their actions allow them to see shame in themselves and they hide from God. A wall begins to be built. Adam and Eve hide. Fastforward. God still desires relationship with mankind. God, more then anyone else, realizes that man has stopped itself from the purest form of Love. God’s love is ever flowing down to us but when we live inwardly, we have no way of accepting God’s love. If we don’t allow ourselves to accept God’s love then the only love we give others is an artificial, carbon copy of love. If all of mankind is giving ‘artificial’ love to each other, no one is actually experiencing ‘true’ love. It all starts at the source of Love, God. Remember, God is love. In the purest sense of the word, true love can only come from God. With that, we see this epic story begin in the bible where God pursues mankind and mankind does life on it’s own, only to call out for God in times of struggle. 

What do YOU think?


  1. well...if the bible ever needed cliff notes I think you'd be the perfect author! :)

  2. God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.
    C. S. Lewis
